Right versions PHP&MySql for OpenEMR

kumarxi wrote on Saturday, May 23, 2009:

Hi Experts,

Please let me know the right versions of MySQL and PHP for OpneEMR windows.

I have installed the OpenEMR with php, MySQL 5.1 versions.
But i got the problems when working with OpenEMR

Anybody came across the problem, please let me know as soon as possible.
Your response is more appriciable and valueable.

Thanks & Regards,

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 23, 2009:

Your php/mysql versions should be just fine. What problem(s) are you having?

kumarxi wrote on Saturday, May 23, 2009:

Hi Brady,

Thanks for your great response.
My problem is :

have installed with PHP and MySQL 5.1 versions.
But, when I am trying to create a new patient, i got this error.

ERROR: insert failed: replace into patient_data set id=’’, title=‘Mr.’, fname=‘Janardhan’, lname=‘Bettedu’, mname=‘Jana’, sex=‘Male’, DOB=‘1954-07-22’, street=’’, postal_code=’’, city=’’, state=’’, country_code=’’, drivers_license=’’, ss=’’, occupation=’’, phone_home=’’, phone_biz=’’, phone_contact=’’, status=’’, contact_relationship=’’, referrer=’’, referrerID=’’, email=’’, language=’’, ethnoracial=’’, interpretter=’’, migrantseasonal=’’, family_size=’’, monthly_income=’’, homeless=’’, financial_review=’’, pubpid=‘12345’, pid = 1, providerID = ‘’, genericname1 = ‘’, genericval1 = ‘’, genericname2 = ‘’, genericval2 = ‘’, phone_cell = ‘’, pharmacy_id = ‘0’, hipaa_mail = ‘’, hipaa_voice = ‘’, hipaa_notice = ‘’, hipaa_message = ‘’, squad = ‘0’, fitness=’’, referral_source=’’, regdate=‘2009-05-23’, pricelevel=‘standard’, date=NOW()
Error: Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘id’ at row 1

Can you guess what proble this is? Please let me know if you find the solution.
Your response will be very helpful and valueble.
I am very thankful to you in advance.

Thanks & Regards,

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 23, 2009:


  My mysql skills are limited, but that column should auto-increment. Hopefully somebody else with better mysql skills will weigh in. Another option is trying the Windows-Xampp-Openemr package here, which has not reported this issue:


ideaman911 wrote on Sunday, May 24, 2009:

I saw this same issue at another developer question.  It looks like the auto-assign has either somehow been disabled, or more likely a space has somehow been put into the ID field at the New Pt creation

Joe Holzer    Idea Man