Hi - I did a search and found a similar issue from 2016 but I’m still seeing the ID instead of the text value when I go to the Patient Results, and also when I open the Procedure Orders to show the historic entries. I’m using version 6.0.0
He wants the Units to display the name for the unit id.
Configuration stores the discrete result unit as the id for the Procedures Unit list. In interface/orders/orders_results.php the procedure/results lookup query doesn’t include a join on the list Procedures Unit unit id for the display value so, it’d need to be added.
Look in interface/orders/orders_results.php around L-392 to modify.
Hi Jerry and Sherwin,
In Administration > Forms > Lists > Procedure Units I was anticipating the value entered in the ‘Title’ field would be what showed up.
In interface/orders/orders_results.php it looks like the result_units is around line 508/626 but it’s not clear it’s pulling from the ‘list_options’ table.
Hi Jerry,
Thank you so much. That worked exactly how I was hoping. Did I have something configured incorrectly, or was that something that wasn’t meant to work that way?
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for the update. If I may ask one more question: I am trying to adjust the CSS in public/themes/misc/labdata.css, but no matter what changes I make to colors, font sizes, weights, etc., it’s never reflected on the table view. I’ve cleared the browser cache, tried different browsers, and removed the Application Storage in the Console. Is there a way to clear the cache of OpenEMR?