I have created a new user group UG1 which will only be able to access Patients demograhics, history, notes but NOT Encounters. I have excluded the everything that comes under encounters. However, when I login as a USER1 which belongs to UG1, I can still see all previous encounters. Only creating new encounters is restricted. Please suggest if I’m missing anything here.
I logged in as a Super user, I tried to have a look in ACL -> advanced -> ARO group admin --> UG1 -> Edit. Surprisingly, it shows “ACL Administration Not Authorized”. Any hints what may be wrong?
Hello Rakesh
When you have not given access for ‘Encounter’ in the new user group UG1. The users belongs to that group can see the old encounter list only from the top ‘encounter history’ select box, but when they click that - they will not be able to view the encounter contents anyway. So, they cannot able to access the encounter’s.
Regarding the ‘Not Authorized’ issue, couldn’t able to reproduce that. Do check the user’s ACL once who accessed that.
2 tabs in Encounters still are functional, see 1a.
To deny access to Encounters completely:
Check that the ACO is in the Inactive column, see attachment 0.
Into openemr/interface/main/left_nav.php, insert:
$disallowed[‘enc’] = !(acl_check(‘encounters’,‘notes’,’’,‘write’))
& save change. See 2.
Into openemr/interface/patient_files/encounter/forms.php, insert:
if (!acl_check(‘encounters’,‘notes_a’,’’,‘write’)) die(“Access Denied.”)
& save. See 3.