cravaus wrote on Monday, May 11, 2015:
I am not using a typical Linux system. I am using a Synology NAS. I have two of them. One is being set up for back up. I barely know what I am doing. No backup is useful unless it works. So I am checking mine out.
First, I am trying to restore the backup of openemr on my second NAS using some modified instructions from
to get the dump to work I did the I created a backup directory in
/volume1/homes/[My User Name]/sqlbackup/
In PuTTY I ran the following:
DB_SAVE_PATH=/volume1/homes/[My User Name]/sqlbackup/
mysqldump --opt --quote-names -u openemr -p openemr | gzip > openemr.sql.gz
To dump the file system I did the following:
tar -C /volume1/homes/[My User Name]/sqlbackup/ -zcf openemr.tar.gz ./
I moved these two files to my second NAS in their home directory:
/volume1/homes/[My User Name]/wwww/
I put the restore script from /openemr/contrib/util/ in the home directory and ran it in PuTTY. The result is an infinite loop of:
Extracting …
tar: option requires an argument – ‘f’
Try ‘tar --help’ or ‘tar --usage’ for more information.
Error: tar could not extract ‘’.
/volume1/homes/[My User Name]/www/restore: read line 163: illegal option -e
Any ideas what this is telling me?
I assumed that part of the problem may be the goofy Synology DSM modification of Linux. I tried the following:
Manually install the openemr MySQL database with:
gunzip < /volume1/homes/[My User Name]/www/openemr.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p
This worked. I see the database in MySQL now. And I extracted the openemr.tar.gz to home at /volume1/homes/[My User Name]/www/openemr/.
But then when I start openemr it looks like I am doing a fresh build. I tell it I am using an existing database but it asks for new administrator credentials etc. So, any tips would be helpful.