Restore from backup from admin section

browndrake wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:

I know that there is a script floating around somewhere to restore data from the backup file made from within admin, but I can not find it.

Does anybody know where it is and steps to use it?

Also, can you restore data that was saved in 3.0 into 3.1/



bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:


It;'s at:

Things to know:

- Only work in linux (if using windows, need to do a manual restore form this file)
- Can only restore same versions (so to answer your question can not be used to go form 3.0 to 3.1)


browndrake wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:



ideaman911 wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:

Speaking of which;  Tony & Bill - have we verified your BACKUP command has a RESTORE which works in Windows, and created any instructions to support both?  I haven’t seen it, but then I have been busy elsewhere…

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, December 16, 2009:

Writing a windows restore script was not in the scope of that project.  I think it was added as an ehnacment request, but we haven’t gotten to it as yet.  Other priorities and there are easy manual methods.
