rdh61 wrote on Friday, July 15, 2016:
The plot thickens…
I used the following command: sudo chmod 666 /var/www/openemr/sql_upgrade.php
That allowed “default” to upgrade (at least I am assuming it did, see note below), but not “italy”. The latter gave:
Not Found
The requested URL /login/loginframe.php was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80
Note: The assumed successful upgrade of “default” gives an output that leaves one somewhat hanging in the air…
OpenEMR Database Upgrade
Processing 4_2_1-to-4_2_2_upgrade.sql ...
INSERT INTO `clinical_rules` ( `id`, `pid`, `active_alert_flag`, `passive_alert_flag`, `cqm_flag`, `cqm_nqf_code`, `cqm_pqri_code`, `amc_flag`, `amc_code`, `patient_reminder_flag` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0)
INSERT INTO `list_options` ( `list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default` ) VALUES ('clinical_rules', 'rule_blood_pressure', 'Measure Blood Pressure', 1610, 0)
INSERT INTO `rule_action` ( `id`, `group_id`, `category`, `item` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 1, 'act_cat_measure', 'act_bp')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 'clinical_reminder_pre', 'week', '2')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 'clinical_reminder_post', 'month', '1')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 'patient_reminder_pre', 'week', '2')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 'patient_reminder_post', 'month', '1')
INSERT INTO `rule_target` ( `id`, `group_id`, `include_flag`, `required_flag`, `method`, `value`, `interval` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 1, 1, 1, 'target_database', '::form_vitals::bps::::::ge::1', 0)
INSERT INTO `rule_target` ( `id`, `group_id`, `include_flag`, `required_flag`, `method`, `value`, `interval` ) VALUES ('rule_blood_pressure', 1, 1, 1, 'target_database', '::form_vitals::bpd::::::ge::1', 0)
INSERT INTO `clinical_rules` ( `id`, `pid`, `active_alert_flag`, `passive_alert_flag`, `cqm_flag`, `cqm_nqf_code`, `cqm_pqri_code`, `amc_flag`, `amc_code`, `patient_reminder_flag` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0)
INSERT INTO `list_options` ( `list_id`, `option_id`, `title`, `seq`, `is_default` ) VALUES ('clinical_rules', 'rule_inr_measure', 'Measure INR', 1620, 0)
INSERT INTO `rule_action` ( `id`, `group_id`, `category`, `item` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 1, 'act_cat_measure', 'act_lab_inr')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 'clinical_reminder_pre', 'week', '2')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 'clinical_reminder_post', 'month', '1')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 'patient_reminder_pre', 'week', '2')
INSERT INTO `rule_reminder` ( `id`, `method`, `method_detail`, `value` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 'patient_reminder_post', 'month', '1')
INSERT INTO `rule_target` ( `id`, `group_id`, `include_flag`, `required_flag`, `method`, `value`, `interval` ) VALUES ('rule_inr_measure', 1, 1, 1, 'target_proc', 'INR::CPT4:85610::::::ge::1', 0)
SET @group_name = (SELECT group_name FROM layout_options WHERE field_id='lname' AND form_id='DEM')
SET @backup_group_name = (SELECT group_name FROM layout_options WHERE field_id='DOB' AND form_id='DEM')
SET @seq = (SELECT MAX(seq) FROM layout_options WHERE group_name = IFNULL(@group_name,@backup_group_name) AND form_id='DEM')
INSERT INTO `layout_options` (`form_id`, `field_id`, `group_name`, `title`, `seq`, `data_type`, `uor`, `fld_length`, `max_length`, `list_id`, `titlecols`, `datacols`, `default_value`, `edit_options`, `description`) VALUES ('DEM', 'billing_note', IFNULL(@group_name,@backup_group_name), 'Billing Note', @seq+1, 2, 1, 60, 0, '', 1, 3, '', '', 'Patient Level Billing Note (Collections)' )
ALTER TABLE patient_data ADD COLUMN billing_note text NOT NULL default ''
UPDATE `patient_data` SET `billing_note` = `genericval2` WHERE `genericname2` = 'Billing'
UPDATE `patient_data` SET `genericval2` = '', `genericname2` = '' WHERE `genericname2` = 'Billing'
ALTER TABLE `lang_languages` ADD COLUMN `lang_is_rtl` TINYINT DEFAULT 0
UPDATE `lang_languages` SET `lang_is_rtl`=1 WHERE `lang_code` IN ('he','ar') OR `lang_description` IN('Hebrew','Arabic')
ALTER TABLE `procedure_report` ADD COLUMN `date_collected_tz` varchar(5) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '+-hhmm offset from UTC'
ALTER TABLE `procedure_report` ADD COLUMN `date_report_tz` varchar(5) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '+-hhmm offset from UTC'
UPDATE `clinical_rules` SET `cqm_2014_flag` = 1 WHERE `id` = 'rule_influenza_ge_50_cqm' AND `pid` = 0
UPDATE `clinical_rules` SET `cqm_2014_flag` = 1 WHERE `id` = 'rule_dm_a1c_cqm' AND `pid` = 0
ALTER TABLE `lists` ADD COLUMN `subtype` varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
ALTER TABLE `list_options` ADD COLUMN `subtype` varchar(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title) VALUES ('lists','issue_subtypes','Issue Subtypes')
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id,title, seq) VALUES ('issue_subtypes', 'eye', 'Eye',10)
UPDATE `clinical_rules` SET `amc_2014_stage1_flag` = 1, `amc_2014_stage2_flag` = 1 WHERE `id` = 'med_reconc_amc' AND `pid` = 0
UPDATE `clinical_rules` SET `amc_2014_stage1_flag` = 1, `amc_2014_stage2_flag` = 1 WHERE `id` = 'med_reconc_amc' AND `pid` = 0
Processing 4_2_2-to-4_3_1_upgrade.sql ...
Updating global configuration defaults...
Updating Access Controls...