Reports - Patient list

sraj49 wrote on Thursday, April 02, 2009:

Hi All,

I have been away traveling and back. thanks to Barady the openEMR system is installed and I have now upgraded to 3.0.1. I have a small isuue related to pateients list. I enetered a couple of Dummy patient data and when I looked at the reports - Ptient List it is empty. But when I enter either the first name or last name ins the name find field the demographics is there. Why is the patient list empty. Is there enything I am doing wrong?


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, April 02, 2009:

I think this "patient list" report only lists patients whom have appointments/visits within a selected date range (two fields at top).

sraj49 wrote on Friday, April 03, 2009:

Thanks Brady. Let me fill in the particulars starting from the appointments/visits calendar. Can you guys please look at this linkā€¦

This has some very interesting features.

Have a great day
