if you choose encounter for the provider relationship, the date range is not used at all instead it’s grabbing all encounters, resulting in larger denominators than actual
you can see the result on the main demo, the report results show date ranges from 10/03/2013 thru present but the last report has increased the denominator by 1 when i created an encounter for billy smith back in 03/2013
Thanks for the followup. For a split second, because I had already attested, I was imagining what I would look like in an orange jumpsuit. Another reason to dislike that color.
isn’t it a crime to yell fire in a crowded theater?
anyways, they also made custom calendar event categories and it seems the amc report is looking only for the built in ones, like office visit, established pt
anybody happen to know where that code is that addresses the encounter categories?
sorry but this amc encounter based reporting is flawed
first the number(displayed while circle spins) and then column total patients ignores the date range and grabs all patients from the beginning of the year
i’ve got a provider who only had 44 encounters in the last 90 days of 2013 yet 194 total patients is displayed
second the denominator is also increasing from previous visits that year thus making it appear that the provider hasn’t met the target %s
does anyone have any advice for a multiple provider office that has used encounter based reporting instead of primary relationship option?
thanks fsgl, i guess i can have them go in and select a primary provider on each patient although it doesn’t apply in several cases where other nps and mds cover in their absence
Because there is not a lot of time left, you may want to run those reports youself after Primary Physician assignment. Can you take over their server with Remote Access, LogMeIn or something similar? I get the sense that quite a bit of work needs to be done.
The practice can pay for your extra service from their EHR bonus, but they will get $0 if the attestation is not done by the 31st 11:59 pm EDST.
Nurse practitioners are not eligible professionals, so they should not be in the mix. Covering physicans should not be in the calculations either because the report should be run only for the individual physician, i.e., the fellow with the 44 encounters.
You can deliver all the reports plus the hard copies to the practice on a silver platter, but you cannot attest for them.
If the fellows in the group behave true to form, they will probably delegate this task to staff or the office manager.
Have the designated person read this guide. With the exception of the sections on Additional Clinical Quality Measures, everything else is applicable to non-Ophthalmologists.
If the practice is unwilling/unable to do the stuff in the guide, there is really no point in you breaking your chops.