mereo wrote on Thursday, September 06, 2007:
My office manager is used to seeing a report each day that, among other things, gives a total that represents all of the money collected that day - copays paid (which are entered on each specific encounter) as well as insurance payments received (entered via the EOB system/link off the billing screen). I’ve been running the “Receipts” report listed under the “Cash” section of SQL-Ledger, however, these numbers have been consistently higher than the actual amount of money collected that day.
I’ve determined that this discrepancy is because when you select “write-off” from the Copay tab of the superbill screen, that write-off is treated as a cash receipt by SQL-Ledger. So write-offs are being added listed on the above reference report, and added as cash being deposited into the bank that day.
Is there a way in OpenEMR or SQL-Ledger to view a report that will show me what I need? i.e., total copays paid (entered on each specific encounter via the superbill screen) plus total insurance payments received (entered via the EOB system/link off the billing screen), but not including anything entered as a "write-off" on the superbill?
Thanks! Any help is greatly appreciated, as it will save me a lot of coding to hack together a custom report for my boss…