We have been trying to use this report but the information that it is returning is incorrect. We have echo techs in the office and know how many 96000 codes should have been done in the last month (126) but the system is giving us 39 were done.
We are using v4.1.1 WAMP install.
We select the last quarter that is July 1 through Sept 31. We get:
Procedure Codes Units Amt Billed Paid Amt Adjustment Amt Balance Amt
93000 6 180.00 118.38 49.80 11.82
93306 39 25,350.00 10,661.52 13,578.72 1,109.76
Grand Total 45 25,530.00 10,779.90 13,628.52 1,121.58
Unfortunately this is not close to right.
Could you take a look at how the code is generating this report?
Looks like this report displays only the invoices that have a creation date and any payments between the to and from dates. Invoices created outside the range with payments within the range are not displayed. Is this how the report is supposed to work?
mysql> select sum(b.units) as units from form_encounter as fe JOIN billing as b on b.pid=fe.pid and b.encounter=fe.encounter where b.code=‘93306’ and fe.date >= ‘2012-07-01 00:00:00’ AND fe.date <= ‘2012-09-31 23:59:59’;
For Identify the Billed code:
mysql> select sum(b.units) as units from form_encounter as fe JOIN billing as b on b.pid=fe.pid and b.encounter=fe.encounter JOIN (select encounter,pid,code from ar_activity group by code) as ar on ar.encounter=b.encounter and ar.pid=b.pid and ar.code=b.code where b.code=‘93306’ and fe.date >= ‘2012-07-01 00:00:00’ AND fe.date <= ‘2012-09-31 23:59:59’;
This queries will help you to identify the Total and Billed code (93306) For the specified quarter. Try tp run the query and compare with the report result.
Sorry for the two year later reply.
I have a practice that is trying to use this form and I would have suspected this to be fixed by now. But oddly enough it is still malfunctioning.
I tried the mysql statements and received units 674.
mysql>select sum(b.units) as units from form_encounter as fe JOIN billing as b on b.pid=fe.pid and b.encounter=fe.encounter where b.code=‘724.8’ and fe.date >= ‘2012-07-01 00:00:00’ AND fe.date <= ‘2012-09-31 23:59:59’;