Rendering provider and referring provider switched

Do you know where in the system the entry would be for rendering provider?

hi @lmcvay, it’s selected on the fee sheet

Just a reminder that I added a select default rendering provider in Globals awhile back.

Is it the second drop down? We have been choosing the Rendering provider drop down all along, but that is populating as referring provider in the x12. Should we be using the supervisor drop down for the rendering?

yes, that’s nifty, thanks, it was a manual process on 4.1.0

it should be clearly labeled

It is clearly labeled as Rendering provider, but when the x12 is created it populates as referring provider. Any idea why?

who’s the provider on the encounter form?

Lani Su is the provider from the claim I sent earlier.

At one time I thought we got the rendering provider from encounter provider and thought it was changed. When I did Institutional I was thinking I saw that in code. However, it may be dangerous for me to be thinking so much.:slight_smile:

hi @lmcvay, is the rendering provider showing up on the patient’s past encounter list?

hi @sjpadgett, yes, believe it is looking in form_encounter on v4.1.0

Yes it is showing on the past encounter list.

ok @lmcvay, what is the value of Version under Administration->Practice->X12 partners->medicaid?

edit: i see it above

can you check the provider’s npi under Admin->users or if they’re not a user then under Admin->Addr Book?

edit: nevermind i see it above too

looks like it boils down to this condition: openemr/ at rel-410 · openemr/openemr · GitHub