Is there any harm in renaming a user’s login – someone created two accounts with the same login somehow, and I’d like to rename (I’m assuming I can just do an update on the column in the db) and deactivate one to avoid confusion.
It is an interesting question. I did the same and login with credentials of the second same name got me into OpenEMR, but with the name of the first User.
I suppose you can deactivate User and make a new User name for that person. It is hard to change the Login name. I also don’t know if it is possible to do it without harm in the Database.
Make the unwanted user inactive. Safer to do this because it’s easily reversible & no mucking about in the database. See attachment.
Delete that user in the database on a test copy first if there is any uneasiness about wrecking the database before changing database on production copy.