Removing Modules

armzak wrote on Thursday, July 02, 2009:

I am installing OpenEMR at a non-profit medical clinic, all they currently want is to add and schedule a new patient.  What is the best way to remove all the other modules? The installation is the virtual appliance on a windows machine.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, July 03, 2009:


You could try using the access controls to limit a lot fo the stuff. Make a new user and place them in the ‘Front Office’ group via admin->acl menu. Then in this menu edit the groups selection below and click on the ‘Front Office’ group and make only the ‘appointments’ and ‘demographics’ active for this group. Not perfect but will eliminate a lot of options for the users in this group. Outright disabling modules (such as immunizations), has also been discussed by developers here. (Justin may even know the mods required) :
