Released 2.7.2-rc1

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, May 01, 2005:

Sourceforge says "release early, release often".  So…

I have tagged the current source as "v2_7_2-rc1" in the openemr section of the CVS repository.

Also I have added release 2.7.2-rc1 as the latest version of the "OpenEMR Tarball" package (formerly named "openemr_tarball_untested").

None of this affects FreeB nor SQL-Ledger.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

sankar1234 wrote on Sunday, May 01, 2005:

Last week I downloaded the CVS  source files.  I found that the "medical problem" text area is not correctly displayed. The other frames are okay such as allergies, medications,…But not medical problems textarea.  For instance, "add medical problem" link is not displayed and the contents of the textarea displaying the raw html code.  

I found that this line in medical_problems.php is 
<textarea name=comments rows=3 cols=25
</textarea> is missing some contents.

It should be <textarea name=comments rows=3 cols=25 wrap=virtual" onfocus=“javascript:this.value=’’”>Comments

So, if you all have the same problem,  you can correct the cvs file medical_problems.php

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, May 01, 2005:

Thanks for the fix.  I have applied it to the repository so that it will appear in the next release.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>