Release 4.1 Planning

uhsarp wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

@brady The online registration form on download page seems reasonable also providing a link to the registration form during the install and in the left nav bar after installation would make it convenient to register. The reason why I’d like to see more people register is only to help prospective users be aware of the strong user base and a vibrant community that would make it easier for them to adapt. Most EMRs boast their current user base to sell their product.

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

  Me and my team (Ken, Jeremy, Jason) have all been working on a large contract and I have not had time to read anything on the forum longer than a sentence or two.   Next week will be better, I can look then and see if what we have the time to contribute.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

Hi uhsarp,

The online registration issue has being discussed here:

The bottleneck here will be the the actual online registration form. I think the natural place for this form is on since it can also be coupled with a minimally invasive description and request for OEMR membership. The infrastructure to create this form on will likely take much longer than 3 weeks. OpenEMR will officially have full certification sometime this week, I think, so don’t think we should postpone the release for this. I do agree it’s important to to start collecting this information.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:


Thanks for the status. These features aren’t showstopper, but would be nice. The thing that would be a showstopper would be lack of a User Manual, which I just realized we do not yet have. Any chance that your group would have time to work on that and complete it within 2-3 weeks?


zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:


We have started working on the two debugging assignments(Rxnorm and Snowmed,immunization).  For testing Arnab’s commit, we are mostly doing our development activity in windows. But we are planning to use Linux together with Windows, and have server running under Linux(Debian). If it is sufficient to test it under Debian or you specifically want to test it under Ubuntu.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

Hi Eldho,
Just need a sanity check of Arnab’s commit in any linux distro(debian is fine).

anonymous wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:


I would like to help with the User Manual. Please direct me to the team, if you may.



uhsarp wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

I want to contribute the XAMPP package for 4.1 and the Registration Form. I have experience working with Drupal & integrating modules.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

That would be great. If we have a registration form, I’d gladly add the needed codework for the magic REGISTER NOW button within OpenEMR. Contact me offsite at to discuss getting drupal access and the modules we’d need.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 17, 2011:

Thanks for offering to help with the manual. Please send an email to Tony at to see what the status of the manual is and how you can help (he’s really busy, so may take a couple days to respond).

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, August 18, 2011:

Also, regarding a XAMPP package, this would be an awesome contribution and generally ends up being the most popular download. Here’s a wiki page by somebody that was gonna help with a XAMPP package in the past:

The history of this package is that Sam Bowen built the first one (blowing us all away) with OpenEMR version 3.0.1 that I think was a zipped package of XAMPP/OpenEMR(it was very cool). Then a proprietary company offered to do it in 3.1.0 and 3.2.0 using a fancy windows installation method, and it became so popular that I think the proprietary company had more to gain by not giving it back to the community any more. This is a package that was sorely missed for version 4.0 . Would be great to have one for version 4.1, and you’re free to use whatever method you want (zipping vs fancy windows installer).


blankev wrote on Thursday, August 18, 2011:

I totally agree with Brady.** It would be awesome and easy for new installations under Windows-systems**. Problems might arise because for XXAMP  there is a new version, not completely compatible with OEMR V4.1.

And OEMR 4.1 is definitely compatible with older versions of XXAMP. So I do my installations with the last XAMPP-OEMR version complete installation and follow with some upgrades.

Brady, please correct me if this is not applicable for the future OEMR V 4.1 reliable version.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, August 21, 2011:


Although there’s still quite a bit of work to do, gonna likely branch to 4.1 tomorrow, and pump out a testing demo along with daily testing packages. Hopefully will then get the release out after a two week testing(bug fixes and some feature additions like the zhealthcare portal and a registration mechanism) cycle.


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, August 21, 2011:


To prepare for a release in 2 weeks, I created a rel-410 branch, which is used in following testing vehicles:
Online demo:
Daily built packages:
Please test these and report bugs.

Required features left to do still:
-Z&H Healthcare Patient Portal (place upgrade database changes in 4_0_0-to-4_1_0_upgrade.sql) (Z&H will do)
-OpenEMR registration magic button to an online form (place upgrade database changes in 4_0_0-to-4_1_0_upgrade.sql) (I will do)

Optional features left to do:
1)  Implement plan/rule mapping in the Admin GUI for CDR. Note this simply involves creating a screen that allows mapping of rules to plans via the ‘clinical_plans_rules’ mysql table (as the other rules, do not show or allow mods of the cqm rules and plans)(also, note that a rule can be in multiple plans). This would be an extremely useful feature for little time, and allows physicians to view rules by plans in the Patient Summary Clinical Reminder widget Edit button (Plans tab). (Still waiting to here from Tony if his group has time to do)
2) Implement procedure filter/target creation in the Admin GUI for CDR. Note the CDR engine currently supports this (see the Coumadin rule for an example) and this feature is gonna be in high demand for users that want to create rules via the Admin GUI that involve procedures. (Still waiting to here from Tony if his group has time to do)

Bug fixes to do:
-Immunization bug (report that immunizations reported before a 4.0 upgrade are not showing up) (solution has been done by Z&H, plan to commit/test soon)
-Fix bug for Windows path for the rxnorm and snomed database import feature. (solution has been done by Z&H, plan to commit/test soon)
-Security exploit report bugs:
-Consider adding Yehsters mechanism to help prevent sessions issues (see if Yehster is done)
-Bug report by Rod in globals: (hopefully Z&H can look at, since may be related to their code)

USER MANUAL is needed.

Update Translation set - myself will do

Build list of new feature in version 4.1 (somebody please help out with this):

If you’ve contributed code to the project, feel free to place your information here:

Most importantly, please test the above testing demo and packages (as new install and upgrades) and report any bugs.

For code integrators, only commit to the master branch. (I’ll carry over the commits to the rel-410 branch if applicable). Also note that the current development version has been incremented to 4.2 (note this can always be changed in the future)


arnabnaha wrote on Sunday, August 21, 2011:

Hi Brady,
have reported a xmlformgen bug in the trackers.

This could also be added to the BUG FIXES TO DO, as julia is working on it and possibly by this week she will be able to get a solution to it.

To test the bug, have uploaded a xml code of the form in github -

This bug could be done with too…

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, August 21, 2011:

Thanks Brady!  I’d like to see something done about this bug also:

… which might be as simple as disabling the old payment posting interface if we are sure that the new one is complete and stable.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 23, 2011:


Just committed fixes for the windows path rxnorm and snomed bug and for the immunizations bug (both contributed by ZH Healthcare).

Also, please provide feedback on the planned OpenEMR Registration form that uhsarp is working on:
Note that we plan to change the title to OpenEMR Registration Form and the web address to OpenEMR_Registration_Form

My feedback is the following:
May want to have a ‘Other’ option and text field with the ‘Type of Practice entry’.
Also, is there a way to put the ‘Other’ text fields directly to the right of the ‘Other’ selection rather than underneath.

We’ve also requested from to have get the captcha module installed in drupal to consider placing this on the form to avoid bots from submitting bunch of noise.

My thoughts are that when an OEMR Membership Form exists, this can be offered after submission of the OpenEMR Registration information.



tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, August 23, 2011:

I started adding some of the 4.1 features list to the wiki.  Do we have a page set up for tracking the code freeze and priority bugs and features through the QA/Release process?  This forum page is hard to use for this kind of tracking, IMHO. 

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 23, 2011:

good idea. put up a quick page here:

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 24, 2011:

Hi Tony,
Any word of being able to work on the optional features above for 4.1 (number 1 is the most important one if can only get to one of them).