Hi @stephenwaite,
I have understand the below ACL from the OpenEMR can you please confirm is this correct or not ?
gacl_acl : contains main acl groups for example, administrator read write wsome, physician read write wsome so on and so forth
gacl_aco : access control object, access contorl for each sections
gacl_aco_map : mapping of section and their values with acl, acl_id is foreign key
For instance, for Administrator, user should be do everything from the application, so for acl_id = 10 (which is gacl_acl id of administrator record), all available aco sections obects and their respective values are mapped
gacl_aco_sections : contains the access control sections i.e. accounting, patient, appointment (for instance the features/modules of the openemr)
gacl_aro_groups : conatins all access control group name.
gacl_aro_groups_map: mapping of gacl_acl and gacl_aro_groups
gacl_aro: contains details of users added from Administration->Users
gal_groups_aro_map: contains the mapping of group_id (from gacl_aro_groups) and aro_id(id of gacl_aro), which is nothing but association of users to the access group