Referral form

latinaviator wrote on Friday, June 04, 2010:

We just opened our practice and I’m having a bit of trouble customizing OpenEMR to suit our needs, one of my issues is with the referral form.
          Question 1: How can I customize this form to include the referred to Dr.s’ address and the appointment date?

          Question 2: If I make changes under administration \ layouts \ referral, shouldn’t the changes take effect immediately?

          Question 3: Once in the referral layout page, field 4 (refer_to) under data type, it lists “Organizations” where do I go to modify this file or list?


visolveemr wrote on Saturday, June 05, 2010:


Here goes answer for your questions and this is against stable Openemr 3.2 version.

Q1: Customization of the referral forms can be done in Administration -> layouts -> referrals
You can add referred Dr’s address and appointment date field by a click on “Add Field”

Q2: These changes will take effect immediately once you click on “Save New Field”.

Q3: The data type of the field 4 (refer_to) can also be changed in layouts -> referrals section. Change the data type you need and click on “Save Changes”. The data type will be changed.

Hope this helps.

Vicareplus Team,

latinaviator wrote on Monday, June 07, 2010:

Thanks for your response visolveemr, unfortunately that didn’t solve my issue. I tried all of the above and when I print the actual referral, it prints without the name of the Dr. we’re referring our patient to, amongst other things.

I wish I knew how to program code so I could help fix some of these issues, unfortunately I don’t have a clue as to where to start.

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:


To get the referral Dr address in the referral form, Please add Dr’s name and other details including the clinic address in Miscellaneous -> Addr Book section. Then add a referral transaction, where you can select the Dr you have added in the address book.  Now the address get filled up in referral form.

Regarding the appointment date, you need to add the field(Appointment) via layout section and a new field will be added to the transactions table. You need to do some code changes in the following files to get the value from the table and to print it.

openemr/interface/patient_file/transaction/print_referral.php and

Hope this will help you.

Vicareplus Team,

latinaviator wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

Thanks again visolveemr, this last set of instructions got me closer to where I want to be. Now I just have to figure our what software to use to edit PHP and html files, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


cadprofessor wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

Use Notepad++ if you are editing in windows…