Reference Previous Note

midder wrote on Tuesday, October 25, 2011:


I am running V4.0 and am supporting a mental health clinic. I have built a few layout-based forms for the clinicians to use in their sessions. One of the forms is a “Progress Note” and basically allows the therapist to track the progress of the patient. One common request I get is for some “easy way” to refer to a previous progress note, so that they have the information handy when filling out the latest note. I suppose this could be the same for any note: SOAP, vitals, etc.

So: Is there any “easy way” to refer to data entered on the prior visit? Or, more specifically, how can I get the progress note that was filled out the last time the therapist saw this patient? I was thinking that I could refer to the last note on the actual form itself, but I don’t see a way to programatically refer to that information. I was considering having the link go to a lightbox-overlay form (much like when you go to view the prescriptions for a patient, for example) so that the therapist wouldn’t ever leave the actual page.

Any thoughts?

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2011:


Check out CAMOS, which has a cloning feature to do this stuff:

For layout-based forms, this would be a really nice feature (would require coding; this would be straightforward to code and if done correctly would be a really nice feature for the community). My thoughts would be to have a option for each field to be ‘clonable’ with an integer for how many notes to go back to to offer as options from a pull down list (and if set to 1, then would simply place the value from the last note in the field).
