an error like this usually means that your database needs to be updated for changes introduced with patches.
go to
and you should be able to tell if your system has been appropriately updated.
Alternately go to
and choose the 4.1.0 upgrade script.
This field was brought in during the 2.8.3->2.9.0 upgrade, so if you started on a version since this (which is likely), then this is not likely your issue.
Guessing you may of modified this in Administration->Layouts->Referrals. Note mods here are not forgiving. For example, if you deleted the refer_date entry then it will remove it from the database, which will then break queries.
Also, versioning can be found in two places:
The codebase version is as version.php
The database version is Administration->Database->'Click ‘Version’ table->Click ‘Browse’
These are not always the same; the admin.php script (which yehster links to above) compares the two and then directs you to run the database upgrade or patch script if needed.
It was a data base issue and I have that resolved. But now there seems to be an input bug.
When doing the referal:
select patient>transaction>Add>
The referal Date feild “Click here to choose date” calender is not working. This is true for the live demo version also…
This “choose date” calender IS functional in other areas.
Can not confirm this bug on the online demos. What operating system, browser, and demo are you using?
May want to try removing history/cookies from your browser.
Your right, I just tried the demo (4.1.0) from my home computer, and it worked. My work computer is running windows 7 professional. I.E. browser, not sure which build…I will see tomorrow.
There are no java error pop ups…
What else can I look at.
1. Patient > transactions > referral > “Click here to choose date” calender not working.
2. When the print page pop up, the print screen is not being displayed when in the patients file, but works when going to >Reports > Blank Forms > Referrals. The print screen displays on the blank form properly…
That’s a problem, the agency will not allow install of any other browser…
I did find looking at the Java error console logs, a line stating “Script blocked”, which is probably the issue, but No script blocking is turned on, but it seems IE9 does some of what it wants…
Not sure if I should initiate another post for this, but I will try here first… While working in this area, I also have to modify the referral_template.html file to get information on the form I need.
The problem I have is the inability to save the changes to the referral_template.html file using the administration>files>referral_template.html path. The changes do not save, and the same goes for the online demo.
Currently I have to email my IT dept. my modified html file to replace the file on the server, I do not have access to the server files.
How can I enable the ability to save the modifications using the built in Files area?
Just ask your IT folks to give the web server (apache) write permission to the referral_template.html file (along with any other of the configuration files you want to be able to edit in Administration->Files). Then you’ll be able to modify them from within OpenEMR.