In the Layout tool I changed the Refer-TO field to a text-box because my user does not want to maintain a separate referral provider list. However the text box in the referral transaction screen will not take any input at all that way.
As sub note. In the default mode it wants to pick the refer-to from the USERS table which does not seem like a good idea to me at all.
Why would anyone want to put outside providers in the users table as if they would be logging into the system.
As a hosted service, where we are the primary Admin user this is really bad. My users don’t want admin rights at all if they can help it, they certainly don’t want to be in the users section.
I’m afraid I don’t get the reasoning on this one.
Selected "external" referral should (at least) give you a place to type in the Refer-To information.
The design is not completely insane. Referred-to providers are expected to be in the address book. That is what the address book is primarily for.
The address book is stored in the users table to avoid the need to enter local providers in two different places. External providers do not visually appear as users and cannot log in.
No I did not put an NPI# originally, but that has no effect, nor does any combination of any of the various ID#s
I am using the released version of 3.0.1 was something patched that you are using?
I’ll look at the code.
Our customers really just want to put the Dr. Name and Phone number in text on the form. I can tell them to use the address book for now , but they won’t like it.
So… back to the original question way doesn’t changing the field type in the Layout work?
PS: thanks for the help, the documentation will be improved by you efforts
I figured it out the selection list. There are 2 kinds of Provider List lookup options. Provider and Provider NPI. Not clear what that meant, so I choose the first. It should rightly say: Provider Addr Book. IMHO
I think I’ve located the bug that prevents you from entering info into the textbox. It has to do with the maxlength attribute of the textbox and how it’s determined by the data in the LISTS table. I hesitate to make any more changes to the code here since we’ve discussed rolling back the layout tool to the prior version, for various other reasons besides this bug.
That’s fine I the customer is OK with the Address book model for now. It would be good to open a bug entry on it so it won’t get missed in the next roll out.