gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, September 20, 2011:
Sorry if i am not supposed to write here, but i could not find a way to post a comment regarding this in the bug tracker.
Please do not change files around again. As far as I know there is only one way of posting ERA/EOB/payments and that is by clicking the EOB link in billing page/pane.
See this link for my work around to the posting problem:
Upgrading to version 4 so far has been a disaster once I debug it (my problem is time) I probably will make no more upgrades if it’s structure continues to be changed. I do appreciate all the changes, the certification and new security, so I do not regret upgrading, but my billing has come to a halt, and this is a huge problem for me. the billing pane is completely blank, encounters are not getting listed at all, so claims cannot be generated. Even with my workaround above.
There is also a problem with adding/editing insurance information, this also causes a billing problem.
Sandra Gutierrez, MD