blurngr wrote on Monday, September 11, 2006:
Hi Everyone!
I’m an entrepreneur that owns a small consulting company that specializes in linux development. We typically prefer languages other than PHP / Perl, but that’s another story.
A local 501(c)3 has approached us to help them setup their network in a way that they can expand-as-necessary with minimal up-front cost. I’ve recommended (for better or worse) a solution based on either MirrorMed/ClearHealth or OpenEMR. [FreeMED was another contender, but their help forums and commercial support are a bit scant.] I’m leaning toward OpenEMR on the basis that the forums are semi-active, the public demo actually works (MirrorMed and ClearHealth have demos that fail while working with them).
I had a few questions, if you could spare a few minutes:
1. It looks like there hasn’t been a release since Feb '06. This appears more-or-less on-par with many Open Source projects.
A. I’m curious what features are planned for the next release?
B. What is a typical development cycle?
C. I see that Rod is a significant contributor. Who else develops on the project?
D. Who maintains the project?
2. [Technical]
A. Is there any plan to move to PHP5 or MySQL 5? PHP 4 was released … Feb 27, 2000. MySQL 4 was released … Mar 25, 2003. [I realize that going with the latest / greatest technology is not always a good thing … but being 6 years behind is also not a good thing.]
B. Which version of FreeB is being used? I understand from Fred Trotter that FreeB 2.0 is available. [It appears that FreeB is version 0.11 being used.]
C. Is there a complete setup guide anywhere? Including dependencies… etc…
3. [Features]
A. There has been some discussion on the forums to be able to handle drug interactions within OpenEMR. Is this still on the table?
B. Can you search for patients from DOB/SSN/parent/guardian name/DOV/diagnosis/last provider seen/etc?
C. Is there HL7 or X12 integration possibilities? Labs/etc??
D. Continuity Reminders?
E. Patient Management Goals?
F. How difficult is it to change / add reports?
G. Patient Education Modules? I saw something about this on the mailing lists …
H. Multiple Fee Schedules?
I. How easy to change the Super Bill?
Thanks for your help! Working on trying out the VMware appliance at the moment.