Question of CQM Report

ycchenella wrote on Sunday, September 09, 2012:

I’m trying to run CQM report to achieve Medicare Incentive Program. However, I have more and more questions when I look into the details.

1. In CQM report, what does “Target Date” means? Mean star date or end date? In the first year, CMS only asked for 90-day data. So how could I set up start/end day to run 90-day data?

2. Which should I choose for “Provider”? All Cumulative? All Collated Format A? Collated Format B?

3. What differences are between “Submit”, “Generate PQRI Method A” and “Generate PQRI Method E”?


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 13, 2012:


1. The report goes from 1/1 to 12/31 on whatever year the target date is set. 90 day window is not an option, but if required, is something that could be coded in rather easily. around line 40 in library/classes/rulesets/Cqm/library/AbstractCqmReport.php is where the pertinent code is. Sounds like may need a selector in the report itself with year and 90 day option.

2.  For Provider:
All calculates for all patients
Collated Format A and collate Format B organize the results by provider and produce same results if do not pick a plan set. If you pick a plan set then Format A nests the plans within the providers, while Format B nests the provoders within the plans in the report.
3. For Submit:
Submit creates the report that you can see.
The Generate PQRI Method A/B makes a pop-up window with text that can be submitted electronically (with the method(Method A or E are actual method sets used by the service that read them(E uses plans whereby A doesn’t))
