Pull Request - Add global for SMTPSecure

mabutler573 wrote on Thursday, June 11, 2015:

Added a global that maps to the SMTPSecure variable.

Let’s you use SSL/TLS on SMTP connections.

Specifically had several clients using gmail, who requires secure connections.


Roberto Vasquez ran into it here:

arnabnaha wrote on Thursday, June 11, 2015:

i tested your code on my production version. It works nicely for portal password reset…but doesnt work for automatic notifications. can you please check?

mabutler573 wrote on Friday, June 12, 2015:

Yep, you’re right. I apparently rewrote some of the automatic notification code at some point.

I’ll get that fixed.

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, August 21, 2015:


I have made a fresh commit taking Matt’s commit and adding the changes as told by Brady in github. Brady can you please review and if everything is fine, you can push to offical codebase. The code works fine for Sending Portal Emails and also the Patient Reminder Emails and donot require Mercury Mail Server. (Though, for automatic notification emails, Mercury Mail Server is needed)

Here is the fresh commit link -

The original Matt’s Pull Request is here -

Thanks and Regards,

Arnab Naha

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 22, 2015:

Hi Arnab,
Thanks for the contributions. Just committed this to the codebase. I made a couple minor changes (see your github commit for details).

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, August 22, 2015:

Thank you Brady. Will take care about the indentation issues from next time.