Pt report CAMOS error

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:


Two things to try:

1) Ensure the ‘convert’ command is within the windows path(google this to see how set up the paths in xp). This means that if you open a windows command console, then typing convert will show some instructions on using the command. Then hopefully the convert command will now work in the openemr/interface/patient_file/report/custom_report.php script

2) If above 1) doesn’t work, then can try to hardcode the path (ie. c:\path\to\command\…) to the ‘convert’ command here on this line in openemr/interface/patient_file/report/custom_report.php file:
if (! is_file($to_file)) exec(“convert -density 200 ‘$from_file’ -append -resize 850 ‘$to_file’”);


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

thanks for testing it. since it works, I’ve committed the change to the code (it will be included in the next 3.2.0 patch).

advancedmedical wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:

Xiaoanri and Brady,
Since last night, we encounter the same error as that of Xiaonari. Did you both figure out the solution. Thanks. it is urgent that i can get the error resolve.

advancedmedical wrote on Tuesday, April 06, 2010:


Well Thanks again Brady, I read your instruction and play around a bit and the error like that of Xiaoanri resolved; Thanks. but still can not get the imagemagick to work.

xiaoanri wrote on Wednesday, April 07, 2010:

I am reporting another bug for the CAMOS, only in the 3.2.0 version.  the “clone past visit” button is not working well.  it will pull info from the very first encounter for the patient for you.  the pull-down menu “back one visit, back two visit….”  does not make any difference.  This function works properly on version 3.0.1. 

Also in prior (2.9x?) version the clone past visit function would pull the billing info from prior visit  even if there was not a note generated with CAMOS, but version 3.0.1 would only pull billing code from encounters with CAMOS notes.  I personally feel it is more convenient to be able to pull billing codes even if there was no  CAMOS note, since often times the note is writen with other forms.  Thank you.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, April 07, 2010:

The more i play around with CAMOS, the cooler it seems. Regarding your issues:

1) The clone past visit is working fine for me, and the back one visit etc. is working fine. Try it on both the 3.2.0 and 4.0.x demos at
(Note, it is collecting the data from previous encounters. if still can’t get it working, let us know)

2) Sounds like the billing thing was changed here:
check out the diff if you want to revert it manually here:
(From the looks of the comments, it sounds like there were some bugs, so Mark decided avoided them by just looking at encounters that contained CAMOS forms)

I’m gonna report two billing bugs regarding CAMOS:
-If use the billing function within CAMOS, then it does not authorize the billing codes
-When CAMOS pulls the billing codes via clone last visit, it does not include the justification code(s)


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, April 07, 2010:


Committed fix for windows for imagemagick.


1) Install ImageMagick (when installing ensure keep the option to add to path on) (

2) Install Ghostscript ( and get file gs871w32.exe)

3) Restart windows

4) Then modify the openemr/interface/patient_file/report/custom_report.php file with following changes:


advancedmedical wrote on Friday, April 09, 2010:

Hi Brady,
For the past 2 days, we still can not get the imagemagick to work; is there anyone else or have you successfully gotten it to work? Sincerely

bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 09, 2010:


Yes, I got it to work. posted the instructions in the previous message (two messages up on this thread).


xiaoanri wrote on Friday, April 09, 2010:

Brady, thank you for your help. greatly appreciated.  I somehow got the clone past visit function working on version 3.2.0 also, did not know what I did or did not do, but it is working.  I also changed the code back for posting billing without an CAMOS note, will report if it does not working well.  Regarding the billing function in CAMOS, I did not recall it ever justifies and authorize the code in the past, but it would be much more efficient to have the justification and authorization carried over…Thank you

advancedmedical wrote on Saturday, April 10, 2010:

WOW, Brady, you are amazing. the pt report is now working great. Again, Thanks for all your Helps.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 10, 2010:


Added support for authorization and justification to CAMOS stuff (I think this makes it more efficient). This stuff is included in the 3.2.0 patch that was released today (note the patch overwrites the files, so you’ll need to re-modify the new.php with your custom changes to grab billing without a CAMOS note):


xiaoanri wrote on Thursday, April 15, 2010:


Just got the patch installed to version 3.2.0, the CAMOS billing function now carries all the authorization now.  Thank you very much!