Professional Support

lingzhai wrote on Friday, July 22, 2011:

I notice the Professional Support link on is broken. Does anyone have a list of Professional Support providers? Thanks alot.

acmoore wrote on Friday, July 22, 2011:

Looks like there’s a typo in that url try:


drbowen wrote on Saturday, July 23, 2011:

Thanks for pointing out the broken link.  I think I have it fixed. 

Sam Bowen, MD

lingzhai wrote on Saturday, July 23, 2011:

Thanks alot :). The link is working now.

marka1211 wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

The link may be working, but the companies themselves don’t seem to be.  I sent an inquiry to several of the companies listed on the Commercial Support page, and after two weeks, I have only heard back from two of them (ZH and mi-squared).  None of the messages bounced, so the email addresses are still good, but it seems that nobody is monitoring the inbox.  Not a good way to inspire confidence in a prospective customer.

acmoore wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

I’m sorry to hear about your difficulty finding commercial help. The two companies you mentioned have very active representation here, and you should feel confident using either.

I’m also eager to help you out. You can reach me through


sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

Participation in development and in the forums here is a pretty good indicator of activity and competence in the project.  Unfortunately the company list is not as useful as it should be, as inclusion is very permissive.


marka1211 wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

Andy:  Thanks for the reply.  I was hoping that my message would elicit responses from some companies to which I hadn’t sent an inquiry.  I’ll send you an email outlining our requirements.

Rod:  I got the impression from previous correspondence with you that Sunset Systems was more in the development end than end-user installation and support.  If that impression is not accurate, please let me know.  Your participation in the project and expertise is legendary.


yehster wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

You might as well post your requirements publicly as that would be in the spirit of open source development. It might spark some discussion and inovation in the future.
Besides the documentation for chaparroning, I am sure that you have other interesting issues as a plastic surgeon.
How to handle documentation in OpenEMR for perioperative events in coordination with whatever systems might already exist in the surgery center or centers you frequent: that is an interesting question. How will the nurses in the surgery center   access information you might have documented in OpenEMR while in your office.
Just thinking aloud.

ajperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

   You’d be surprised how many of us are alive and kicking.  From as far as Australia to the islands in the Caribbean Puerto Rico ( and even Curacao.  From New Jersey to  California.


sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 26, 2011:

Mark, I do mostly development - also installations, support and consulting but generally not training nor management.
