If you have upgraded and not done so, it may be necessary to flush the mysql privileges table.
shell> mysql -u username -h host -u username -p
Also, the GACL module in OpenEMR may need to be looked at since you may not have its security set up properly. I don’t have any specific points on the GACL and it may be a trial and error process.
Since OpenEMR is database driven, I have learned to suspect database configuration errors in the case of blank screens
Also, I noted you had other comments regarding your /sites/default/edi and /sites/default/era directories. These are used in the Payments | Process ERA file scripts because the era file and the .html summary are written to the /sites/default/era directory. That may also be contributing to your issue.
We receive era files from our clearing house. we upload them via billing->EOB->browse(for file)->search->“Process ERA File” click. leads to a blank screen.
FINALLY, the link 'Process ERA Files" in era_payment.php is broken
I have replaced my old billing folder from 3.2 version for the new one version 4. That temporarily solved the program at least in my testing set up. But I lose a lot of new features. I would love pointers on how to fix this link.
Do I need to do anything about putting in the bug tracker list?
In the mean time i will continue to try and debug it on eclipse. my problem is the time factor