mdsupport wrote on Thursday, July 18, 2013:
Couple of observations about procedure_type table that could turn out to be major future problems:
- Real ‘primary key’ for this table is procedure_type (the column within table of same name!), lab and proc code. A quick review of the code shows the access is not always enforced in that manner. A quick example would be to load identical compendium orders files in same container but different vendors.
- More important issue is current table implements parent->child relationship in a single table. This by definition precludes child record with multiple parents. We can see situations where we would want to define multiple panels containing same individual orders.
- This design will also make it complicated to define aliases for vendors specific codes. Aliasing will be key in presenting trends based on results from various vendors.
Usually table(s) describing parent-child relationship(s) specific values handles these situations. However with current code base, incorporating any changes is big effort. At the same time, future development using current structure will make it even harder to make the changes…
Has anyone implemented classes to make future changes bit easier? Any thoughts?