Procedure order

shameer007 wrote on Saturday, April 18, 2015:

i create a procedure order for complete blood count(cbc).after that i try to edit the same order it shows a 15 times repeatedly.please find the attachment.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, April 18, 2015:

See Panel.

A panel of tests must be configured/edited precisely as described in the Wiki.

Sometimes it is best to delete the panel & start again.

The Procedure module is difficult to set up because it is so exacting.

If every step is strictly adhered, it will be successful.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, April 18, 2015:

A “Yes” under Order & an identifying Code confirm that the configuration of the panel has been done correctly.

If not, it must be deleted & re-configured.

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, April 18, 2015:

May be this old bug/config issue has not been fixed yet. Take a look at this post and see if the codes are repeated for different items.