I am having problems with finding messages that are checked as active but not on my or anyone elses message list.
I depend heavily on our message for intra-office communication. I truly hate to find a message that was sent to my nurse, or to the referral dept, that is checked as active but not anyone’s message list. How can this be?
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? What am I doing or not doing to make this happen?
Is there a way that I can see what my nurses messages are? What if she is off one day and I want my medical assistant to complete the tasks that I sent to my nurse. Is there anyway to access the nurses messages without logging in with her password?
Thanks for any help.
Jeff Guillory Jr.
NP Health Clinic
If set it to Done in the Status, then it will go away in the Messages Module. In the Administration->Other->Database->(pnotes table) are you seeing anything odd about the entries that are not showing up even if active. Also, just to ensure, are you talking about the Dated reminders(added in patch 8) or the Messages? And in Messages, users that have admin access can click on ‘See All’ to right of Messages title to see all messages. To route it to other users(for example, if need to have anothe user without admin access see a specific persons messages they are covering) would require some sort of coding. Note you can send Dated Reminders to multiple people, however there is no routing(when need to cover) settings in that either. These things are all relatively simple features to add via coding, though.
When you set message as Done in the Messages Module the message goes away from that module but is stays Active in the patient’s Notes. That is why I work and have instructed my nurses to work on messages only within the patients chart under Notes.
I don’t see anything odd in (pnotes) though I admit, it is a bit greek to me. I have not yet upgraded to 8 yet, I am still using 7.
Is there a way to do a search for messages that have been marked as “done” or “Active.” There are notes that were marked as “done” within the message module but are still “Active” within the patients chart, but they are not closed.
"When you set message as Done in the Messages Module the message goes away from that module but is stays Active in the patient’s Notes. That is why I work and have instructed my nurses to work on messages only within the patients chart under Notes. "
This is why I have asked for the feature of going to the patients chart with a single click from the message module.
How is the testing going with the upgrade to messages? I use this feature extensively and am greatly anticipating the improvements to increase productivity in my office.
No complaints so far, but not sure how much testing it has gotten. I suggest testing it out and providing input since there’s still some time to tinker with things before the release. Check out the development demo here, which uses most recent version and is updated daily: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Development_Demo
Here are a couple of findings, that I have noticed since I use messages every day. It is much better and I appreciate the updated changes.
1.Cannot “close” the note from the Message and Reminder Center. You can change status to “done” and click on “send message” and this does the same as closing the note but when you do this, it will always pop up a message box stating “Recipient List Is Empty” which has to be closed.
2.Cannot select self from list Select user list. Often I will put a note to myself to finish later but at present I cannot select myself to send the message to. - I have found that you can choose yourself but you have to choose someone else in the list first, so if you want to send the note to yourself and another person you can chose another person first then yourself but not yourself first.
Whenever the Select user dropdown box does not allow me to chose myself, I have to go to the patient chart; into the Patient Notes and make notations there. Whenever I do this, I am in the To: dropdown box by default.
I personally am not a fan of sending one message to multiple people. The reason I don’t like it is because it duplicates the message for each person you send it to, so within the chart you end up with several duplicate messages. I don’t have a use for that.
Is there a way to make the logged in user the “To” default, like the messages within the Patient notes?