Problems starting OpenEMR on Webserver

blankev wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2009:

I am stuck. I think I did everything as stated in manuals for Linux installation, but I get the following error message right after the installation screen and can’t get OpenEmr to work:


PHP Error Message

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user ‘a6488497_openemr’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) in /home/a6488497/public_html/openemr/library/adodb/drivers/ on line 335

Free Web Hosting
Check that mysqld is running.

PHP Error Message

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/a6488497/public_html/openemr/library/ on line 20

Free Web Hosting

ERROR: Could not connect to server!


I don’t see why mysqldd should not be running, but I can be wrong???

Where should I start looking to find a solution for my problem. Forums on PHP MYSQL or OpenEmr did not reveal a solutions that worked .

Installation of the Database worked OK
Making tables went as planned Through phpMyAdmin available and working.

However I have doubts why I can not continue what seems to be an easy installation procedure

sqlconf.php made to write only

globals.php changed with the following:

$webserver_root = "/home/a6488497/openemr"; (I think that advised this, for free webhosting options)

And changed:
$web_root = "/openemr";

Thank whoever is willing to spend some time to send me in the right direction. I got OpenEMR working on my Laptop computer without any problems under Xampp and windows XP


drbowen wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:

This error message means that you do not have your password set up correctly to access the mysql database:

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user ‘a6488497_openemr’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)

You need to make sure that your password is really allowing you to connect to the openemr database.

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:


first of all, all the best wishes for you for 2009 and further.

I thought of your remark as an option.

Through phpMyAdmin I can work on the MySQL database. Delete, insert tables etc. So the Password and User name and password are working… since OpenEmr installed the Database correct(?)

How do I need to configure OpenEMR so that OpenEMR will find the right files an can use the Datase I created during sertup?

Any idea, or should I skip more problems and go for a Non-free-Webserver (Paid server)?

In that last option, my question for you is: "how can I be sure OpenEMR will work without any problem" and if so, what do I need to do finding a right service provider… for the right price…

Thanks in advance for your efforts to get me on track again,


gutiersa wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:

Definitely do not give up so quickly. OpenEMR works great if your install is correct. Go back to the set up page and be sure the users and passwords are correctly typed in in the correct places. I remember I would not be sure as to which goes where.

When you use phpmyadmin, are your logging in with user a6488497_openemr and its password? And you are able to manipulate tables in the openemr database?

drbowen wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:


Can you post your versions of

Operating System

Do you have "mysqli" installed on your server?

Sam Bowen, MD

drbowen wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:

Are you installing on someone else’s web hosting service?

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:

Yes, I am installing on someone else’s hosting services. With trial and error as it seems to go.

How do I find out what I installed on the SEVER? I only see MySQL. Do I need to ask the Server Administrator or is there a sub-program like phpMyAdmin to find out about MySQL or MySQLi?

Sam, some time ago I you gaive me the good advise about how to install OpenEMR under windows. You showed me that there are several versions of OpenEMR and one would work with Windows and anothor works OK with Unix Servers, might this be the problem again?

Now I again downloaded the version 2.9.0 of 8-7-2008 =>  ***.tar.gz  Is this the correct download and latest corrected download to start on different not localhost server based system (so not on my own computer?) I also saw remarks as there might be a version 2.9.1???

Thanks again we will continue with experimenting and implementations.


blankev wrote on Monday, January 05, 2009:

During installation I did I installed under:

MySQL 5.0.51-community
PHP 5.2
Apache 2.2.10 (UNIX)


drbowen wrote on Tuesday, January 06, 2009:

Trying to install on a hosted web server is difficult.

Almost always the hosting company will not give you full enough access to the MySQL server to be able to run OpenEMR.

"MySQL 5.0.51-community" is a modified version of MySQL which is designed specifically to limit end-users from having full access to all the MySQL functions.

ADODB in the newer versions does not allow "mysql_pconnect" a persistent connection.  The web hosting company will either have to allow you to have access to these functions, change their installed libraries (unlikely that they will do either) or you will have to rewrite the OpenEMR functions until you can get rid of the error messages.

It is not possible for average users to install under these conditions.  You literally will have to become an OpenEMR developer to be able to get this to work.  I know developers who have done this but it is not trivial.

Is this the only way that you can run OpenEMR? 

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Tuesday, January 06, 2009:


your answer is load and clear! I am trying in the wrong direction. As you know this is not the only way. Buet tell me please what is the right way to install OpenEMR on teh World wide web? Do I need to have my personal server or can I use with success a hosting service and what should I be looking at since so many options seem te be available.

In other words, HOW can I be sure that OpenEmr is working in a save environment with minimal chance of successful software attacks and a maximum profit in usability?


Are three options but since you knew right away that MySQL-community might not work there are other things that I am afraid of and I want to avoid as much as possible.

Today I decided to start a quick course to become a Linux fan and than continue on the Linux road for the future of my projects. No I am not a programmer, but I can see what htings might be of importance for my beeing on the Internet.

Thanks again for the advise.


blankev wrote on Tuesday, January 06, 2009:


your answer is load and clear! I am trying in the wrong direction. As you know this is not the only way. Buet tell me please what is the right way to install OpenEMR on teh World wide web? Do I need to have my personal server or can I use with success a hosting service and what should I be looking at since so many options seem te be available.

In other words, HOW can I be sure that OpenEmr is working in a save environment with minimal chance of successful software attacks and a maximum profit in usability?


Are three options but since you knew right away that MySQL-community might not work there are other things that I am afraid of and I want to avoid as much as possible.

Today I decided to start a quick course to become a Linux fan and than continue on the Linux road for the future of my projects. No I am not a programmer, but I can see what htings might be of importance for my beeing on the Internet.

Thanks again for the advise.


xiaoanri wrote on Saturday, January 10, 2009:

I am an entry level user of OpenEMR and my knowledge in computer science is very limited.  Just wanted to share with you on what I did to have OpenEMR working, hope that is helpful one way or another.

I have a Sonicwall firewall to limit outside attacks, the office LAN is set up behind it.  I have OpenEMR installed on a Dell server, initially running windows 2003, recently I have this switched to Ubuntu 8.04.  Data back up is to an external USB Drive, I am still working on better ways to back up data, such as directly to another backup server.  All other office computers access the server and use Openemr with a firefox web browser.  I also have one of the office computers installed the same software as the server, in case any server failure, I can take the external drive and hook up on the computer, get the data imported, and continue on. 

Dr. Ronald Leemhuis has an EXCELLENT installation wiki about installing OEMR on Ubuntu 8.04, it is on Dr. Bowen’s website.  I do not know much about linux, but was able to follow his wiki and finish the installation.  It is a simple setup, but works well for me at present time.  Financially, it is not very costly either.  If you have a LAN network set up in your office, you only need to buy a server (an entry level one costs several hundred dollors), or even upgrade one of your office computers to fucntion as a server.  For that matter, I do think it is better to buy a server from a reputable manufacturer, since the server hardware is slightly different than a desktop configuration, it is much more stable.

Good luck.