blankev wrote on Sunday, January 04, 2009:
I am stuck. I think I did everything as stated in manuals for Linux installation, but I get the following error message right after the installation screen and can’t get OpenEmr to work:
PHP Error Message
Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user ‘a6488497_openemr’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) in /home/a6488497/public_html/openemr/library/adodb/drivers/ on line 335
Free Web Hosting
Check that mysqld is running.
PHP Error Message
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/a6488497/public_html/openemr/library/ on line 20
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ERROR: Could not connect to server!
I don’t see why mysqldd should not be running, but I can be wrong???
Where should I start looking to find a solution for my problem. Forums on PHP MYSQL or OpenEmr did not reveal a solutions that worked .
Installation of the Database worked OK
Making tables went as planned Through phpMyAdmin available and working.
However I have doubts why I can not continue what seems to be an easy installation procedure
sqlconf.php made to write only
globals.php changed with the following:
$webserver_root = "/home/a6488497/openemr"; (I think that advised this, for free webhosting options)
And changed:
$web_root = "/openemr";
Thank whoever is willing to spend some time to send me in the right direction. I got OpenEMR working on my Laptop computer without any problems under Xampp and windows XP