After upgrading to the 4.2 patch, patient documents and billing codes are not available. I did run into a collation issue with lang_constants, but I corrected that, and re-ran upgrade script for db, which seemed to work.
OK I was able to come up with an error from log when trying to view patient document.
PHP Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /home/user/public_html/openemr/templates/documents/general_view.html line 259]: syntax error: unrecognized tag ‘user_info’ (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 551) in /home/user/public_html/openemr/library/Smarty.class.php on line 1102
Well it appears the problem is, he did not do the last 2 patches. I am taking backups now, and can only hope that I can still incrementally do the patches and have everything working as it should. I did not take backups before this patch, as the upgrades have always gone smoothly. Learned my lesson (that and I should have double checked the version before I got going).
If the client did not patch to 7 for 4.1.2; but had no difficulties with upgrade to 4.2.0; then there should have been no problems with the first patch of 4.2.0.
In fact a user can leapfrog from version 3.0.0 directly to 4.2.0.
The latest patch, in a series, is a composite of all previous patches rolled into one; therefore patching does not need to be done in sequence.
Something else may be at the root of the problem.
Backing up is a point well taken & can never be over-stressed.
Spent today trying to suss our this same issue. [centos 7/apache/php 5.4] SELinux was to blame. Seting the SEL boolean of httpd_unified 1 fixed the smarty issue. Please let me know if this helps.