Problem with sql-ledger after enabling ssl

gutiersa wrote on Monday, August 11, 2008:

after upgrading to openemr 2.9.0 and enabling ssl, I now get the following error message:

Fault: Code: 2 Reason ‘Invalid return payload: enabling debugging to examine incoming payload’

I followed instructions from the openemr wiki.

Now I tried to go back to regular http but that doens’t work either.

any ideas??

gutiersa wrote on Monday, August 11, 2008:

additional information:

I am able to log in to sql-ledger and phppgadmin separately and both under http: and https:
the rest of openemr also seems to work fine

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, August 12, 2008:

Never mind

I downloaded a new openemr directory and replaced the non functioning one. the problem went away.
a file must have become corrupted