When I try and add a new code to the List->Fee Sheet and click “Add”, the List view immediately switches to the “Language” list option and then it pops up the Code Finder. I can search for codes but nothing happens when I click them.
This render ms unable to modify the Fee Sheet setup.
Has anyone seen this before? A couple of searches have not turned up anything.
Thanks. I actually have two different installations of OpenEMR and one of them works as expected, the other does not. Even if I enter a Group and Option I get this odd behavior.
This is a clean installation of OpenEMR with latest patch although the problem materialized before the patch.
One complication is that I have no log files. Having trouble getting php/apache/openemr to be able to write to /var/log/apache2/error.log … it works in my other install as I left everything as ‘root’ but in this install I changed apache to webuser and www-data and I think this might be related to the problem.
I came back to look at this again and found that my colleague had added several codes with no problem. I tried again and had the same issue. I switched over from Chrome to Firefox and the problem disappeared.
For us non-IT types, much less agita with adherence to official recommendations (apache, not webuser).
I understand the tendency to freelance a bit; but I recall the Sicilian kids did less well than the Irish kids in collegiate level Italian because the latter had no preconceived notions coming into the course to encumber them.
Uh, about those fee sheet lists…
I strongly recommend the following:
Do the external code load for ICD-10 and anything else you want. You can edit these ahead of time, but either way is fine.
Delete all you fee sheet list items that are single codes.
Add categories to your SERVICE CATEGORY list. We have things like:
ICD-9 (do not use after OCT 1!)
ICD-10 Childhood Disorders
ICD-10 Anxiety Disorders
HCPCS Counseling
Next, go to Administration/Codes (sometimes called ‘Services’. Pick each code you want to show up in your superbill/quick pick in the fee sheet. Look in the ‘Category’ drop down, pick where it goes, then save it.
Now you have your fee sheet lists, yet the entire code list is still searchable, no conflicts. We had about 120 codes. Took about an hour to get everything set up.
Note: When creating the fee sheet Service Categories, remember that they will appear in a LEFT-RIGHT, LEFT-RIGHT order, so if you want services on the left, and diagnosis on the right, make the services odd numbers in the ORDER.
Naturally, If you want quick picks that add multiple services with one selection, then it can make sense to use the fee sheet list. For HCPCS, there is no option to add modifiers to a base code and still have the nomenclature correct, so we manually input them into the CODES section with modifiers attached.