in version 3.1, when greek characters are entered in the CAMOS-Form (submit content) they are shown up with their UTF8 code.
Can anyone help with this problem?
The UTF8 problems are know almost extinguished. AFAIK the only ones that remain is the above and exporting a PDF of prescriptions (though the last one can be overcome by exporting HTML).
Regarding pdfs; pretty much almost impossible to support internationalization via pdfs. This is why there’s always an html alternative (prescription, letters, immunizations, and growth charts).
Regarding camos, this hasn’t been internationalized yet; this is a low priority since it really can’t support a multi-lingual clinic that well (would be great to get snomed stuff working with this structure though). The current bug likely has something to do with the validation of the data before it goes to the database; I’m guessing shifting the validation to library/ will help out here; could possibly end up being quite a bit of work. I’d suggest making a feature request "Internationalize CAMOS" in the bug tracker to remind us whenever we have some free time.
Let me ask something else. After having added my custom “headlines” in the CAMOS Form, in the Patient Report different entries show up while the content remains correct. This is explained with a paradigm:
Thank you for coming up with a fix! I am very sorry for taking so long to get the updated files up. I don’t think there is much difference from what is in cvs right now. I will get it done soon. I have the files ready to commit, I just want to check a few things first.
The AJAX code in new.php came from a book on PHP and AJAX. I avoided using jQuery only to maintain compatibility for people with older installations.
tsoukase: The way that form entries are named are a little different than other forms. The names are as you listed above and are meant to provide a little more information when looking at them in the encounter view screen. This may not be necessary anymore with the excellent tooltip info that has been added since.
This is basically done (was extensive and required mods to 9 files and now have css/html printing options along with pdf). Committed to cvs, please test it estensively in the CVS demo starting tomorrow AM; after it gets testing for bugs will migrate to the 3.1.0 patch. Most of the “translations” will take some time since new english constants and have to go through the transaltion (google docs) pipeline.
All the heavy lifting to the CAMOS source has been done; during next table update will be another 50 or so english constants to translate to cover CAMOS. Just so you know where were going, the preliminary plan is to make a 3.2.0 branch right when the first of the avalanche of CCHIT code starts coming in. At that point we’ll re-update the translation tables to get all the new constants in the google docs spreadsheet, make a cvs 3.2 demo, and get ready for a release a month or two after that.
Since patches are really easy to make, will include this CAMOS stuff in next 3.1.0 (and probably last) patch.
it works perfectly, from inserting data to report generation. I think it can be included it to the patch.
I would like to remind that the README.txt file in CAMOS package need update. Why not put an informative page at the wiki too?
Even better. The CAMOS user manual just got wiki’d at:
Also, if anybody hasn’t tried CAMOS out, check it out. It’s a pretty ingenious and efficient way for physician’s to enter in patient data/notes/billing/order/prescriptions and produce reports in real-time.
Brady, in the FAQ wiki page I amde a reamrk about CAMOS. Now I want to link this remak to your CAMOS wiki explanation page, but I don’t get the syntax right.
minor error, you were close, the ‘m’ in module is lowercase (you had it capped, so didn’t find the page). Don’t let this stop you, keep editing/adding stuff to the wiki.