Printing patient labels

teryhill wrote on Friday, August 22, 2014:

I will look at doing this for the next enhancement. It is on the wish list


teryhill wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

I am requesting a review of this commit

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:


in your search for LABEL printing, I wonder if you encountered something like enhancing text with formatting, and inclusion of images.

I can make the TITLE in BOLD
Make the BODY of text in BOLD, but not the individual lines.

Label of the Referral-Letter in Bold
Text of the Fields in Italics

I am struggling to include the Facility Logo included in letter.php or is that impossible in the way letter.php is constructed?

Looking for a solution for HTML and/or PDF options…

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

I made some changes/additions to FIELDS in the LETTER.PHP

Please review and comment:

I am learning, but can’t find the quick approach.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

Hi Terry,
I placed a review on github. Look forward to the next revision (which should be ready for commit into the official codebase).

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

Hi Pimm,

I don’t think your code is very related to this thread… :slight_smile:

That being said, though, it looks good so I committed it to the official codebase(I did remove the authorized user thingy, though, since that will require more thought). Here’s the commit:

On github, I’d rec for the future having master not be different from official codebase and placing your work in separate branches(a separate branch for each topic/feature that you are working on).

Thank you for the code contribution!


blankev wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

I will open a new thread if needed. It is indeed not related to labels, except for the fact both did start in the letter.php POPUPS, Terry wisely decided to make the labels in to a new menu option.

The ‘authorize = 1’ I included because the historic list of the FROM was choosing from all USERS (a rather long list). I can’t think that anybody want ALL THE TO USERS to be active and have the opportunity to SEND a letter form the POPUPS menu

In my search to find only the active USERS, it suddenly opened a file with All AUTHORIZED USERS first, followed with all other USERS as before. My original idea was to make the same choice for the FROM field, as what the option is for the TO choice (like SPECIALTY choice).

bradymiller wrote on Friday, September 12, 2014:

Terry’s revised code was committed to the official codebase:

Also placed on wiki:

Thank you for the contribution!

teryhill wrote on Friday, September 19, 2014:

I have the barcode and address labels done. The output files are attached. I don’t know if there is a requirement for this or not. I have set them up in the popups like the chart labels. I want to do some more work on the barcode to make the type of barcode selectable. These are rotated and aligned for a DYMO LabelWriter ( I have a 400).



arnabnaha wrote on Friday, September 19, 2014:

Awesome work…thank you so much…barcode was much needed…thanks a lot…in addition you gave the address label…which is cherry on top.
These are absolutely necessary for easy workflow and maintainance of records. Its always good to have a functionality in a software…those who need it will use it.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, September 19, 2014:

Agreed that it would be a very useful feature to have in the codebase.

medfetch wrote on Sunday, July 03, 2016:

Did the change in PDF engines alter this functionality?
I can’t get the labels/barcode to print.

medfetch wrote on Monday, July 04, 2016:

Well I see it works on the demo servers so it must be something specific to my implementation.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, July 04, 2016:

Hi Ray,

Decided not to migrate those things to the new pdf engines yet considering the large amount of testing that was required. So, they should not be affected.
