ZH or anyone else with information, can you provide more information regarding how/why the primary_business_entity column in the facility table is supposed to be used?
It looks like it’s related to eRx, but I can’t tell if it’s used anywhere else.
I’m also not sure if there is supposed to be one and only one facility flagged as “primary_business_entity” in a given OpenEMR installation or if it is acceptable to have multiple facilities marked as such.
Looking at some of the queries which use that column, it looks to me that an assumption was made that there should in fact only be one primary facility, but there’s no documentation or other enforcement.
It was placed there for eRx originally and there should only be one. It
was necessary since there can be more than one billing facility. It is or
should be how company return address is identified as billing facility is
not intended to be unique. I believe that it is used that way is some
places and should be used that way consistently.
Tony McCormick
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To the best of my knowledge in working with billing, there should be only one Billing Location, it’s just that the requirement has never been enforced by the software. Basically this is the address to which claim payments should be sent. I don’t know if there is a case to allow eRx to be associated with a different location.
We are using the details of Primary Business Facility to create an account in NewCrop. All the prescriptions will be stored under this account. That is the reason we can select only one Primary Business Facility in the application.
I have many customers that have multiple billing locations due to
partnerships of independent physicians sharing spaces. But newcrop
required a single business entity. So we split the meaning a long time ago.
Tony McCormick
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i have a group of providers that needs payments sent to a po box so there would have to be logic activated for 5010 as po boxes can’t be used on their own
maybe the primary business entity could be used in that regard here
that way there could be a service location address and a pay to address in the 2000 loop of the 837