Preview of DB support changes for MU prj

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

I have posted code contributed by EMRTECH for early preview of the changes theya re working on to support the meaningful use project.  This relate to CQM reporting as well as CCR/CCD production.

The sections that were updated to include the required fields listed in the attached spreadsheet are:
     Diagnostic Test Results


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

NOTE: the spread sheets referred to were attached to the email I copied the list from, not to this post… :-)  I grabbed one line too many and the Forum doesn’t have an EDIT message function, grrrr.


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

NOTE2: I have a request in to get an updated database.sql so we can see what tables were changed as well.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

Code semantics looks very OpenEMR friendly; very nice. Put some comments on the github commit. Will need to await the database changes and some testing before can provide more feedback.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

Just starting to look at this…

Looks like part of it is for recording diagnostic tests and their results.  Are you not building on the work that has already been done with procedure ordering, results, etc?

Also we are trying to get away from using Smarty with new code.


tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

Added this to code review tracker for additional files to review that can’t be put on github

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

I also added some line comments to the github commit.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

I’d rec adding those database files as a another commit in your emrtech-bd-review github branch (just put them in the sql/ directory), so we can review it there. Also, remember not to rebase these review branches (or our comments will disappear). Obvious input is they need to work their changes into the sql/database.sql and upgrade file, and only do to changes pertinent to their code (what’s with all the foreign key and InnoDB stuff? Is this needed for their code?)

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

I have no intention of delivering (or rebasing) this code at all, it’s
there only for review purposes.

Remember they had to do the INNODB
and foreign key stuff to product the database diagram.  I told them
that they would have to remove it for the actual updates.

The next drop I get from them I will toast this branch and create a new one.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:


I’d rec not removing the branch, either (until the project is complete and committed). Check out my github repo (note all the incremented releases of other code for review). O their next revision of code, best to make another branch off the updated ‘master’ and label it to emrtech-bd-review_2. Then we can still see the old review (and I have the option of pulling the old branch into my personal repo, rebasing it on my local repo, and comparing it to the new revision to do a diff on it to see what they changed on their new revision).


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, November 09, 2010:

We can provide some valuable input to their current database file (such as how over writing the dosage form mapping isn’t good for upgraders, and ways to make it more palatable for upgrades), would recommend adding this file as a  commit to their current review branch. Then EMRTech will have one place to see their review of their code.