Presenting Complaint --> Symptoms --> Diagnosis --> treatment/prescription

jalilvons wrote on Saturday, July 02, 2016:


Is it possible to have the presenting complaint use ICD-10 code in a auto complete fashion.
Also the same for symptoms, you write in a box about the symptoms it autocompletes, you keep adding more symptoms, and a possible diagnosis turns up, once you have a diagnosis the option of prescription is given?

Any such features at present in Openemr?



visolveemr wrote on Saturday, July 02, 2016:

Hi Jalilvons,
The above represented feature can be done through customization, but we do not have the functionality by default in OpenEMR.

The autocomplete is available in ICD search where a dropdown is supported based on the typed data and user can select the required option.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team
Visolve Inc