I intend to propose OpenEMR as the preferred standard for the Argentine publich health system. In a typically Latinamerican budget-limited health system, a unique system should be easier to implement than a huge variety of systems. Among all systems, the Open Source Free system seems the best option. And among them, OpenEMR seems the most mature and popular.
They accepted my paper to the Argentine Congress on Informatics and Health, due on September 1 in Buenos Aires: http://sgc-sadio.dynalias.org:8080/ocs/index.php/JAIIO39/CAIS2010/index .
I welcome any feedback on this presentation and project.
This is just a proposal, we will surely receive a lot of criticism and there is a long way ahead.
Medicine here is partly socialized, partly private. Billing is still necessary, and that poses a special problem. We will need to hook the system to a local Diagnostic and Medical Terms Database. And to the official price list for medical practices.
You can download a copy of my presentation I held at Cancun Mexico WONCA World Congress may 2010. It might be some help to get the message across. Over in Cancun there were Family Doctors of Canada/Nigeria and Portugal some with more than the usual interest. I don’t know if it was convincing enough AND the PPT is in English. But take a look and feel free to adapt and change/not use into whatever is needed to convince South America into OpenEMR
What could be the Spanish translation of OpenEMR?
There are also some pretty nice good and free alternatives on other useful Free ware for medical professionals.