Prescriptions in CSS HTML (internationalize)

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:

Just committed to development tip and 3.1.0 development branch. It’s very cool; basically looks the same as the pdf format, however it will support UTF-8 special characters. The links are is same place as PDF counterparts, but labeled HTML. Note the margins are hard-coded in, but I kept all the css styling within the functions to allow options for more on the fly customization in the future. Test it out and let me know how it goes; it will show up in cvs demo this AM.

Files I touched:


cfapress wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:

Hey, well done!

Now we can nitpick over units of measure in CSS. I prefer to use px and %.

I’m glad to see you defined the font-size at the body-tag level. That sets the standard for the whole page. From there you can use the % measure to scale things up or down. Or use the font-point scale.

When defining width and height of things I prefer px (pixel) over others such as pt or em. Mostly because I’m working with computer screens. Even on the printed page it works well, but so does the pt measure.

This discussion can really go on forever.  :slight_smile:

Here’s one of my favorite places to read about web styling:


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:


Chose pt, because this is a real distance for printing (1pt for every inch i think or maybe cm). Worried that px may vary when printing.


whimmel wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:

72 pt == 1 inch.  Those high school typing classes have come in handy