Prescription vs Inventory - Sales & Transactions

fnv4a wrote on Tuesday, June 11, 2013:


I’d like to know more about how the sales of medication takes place in OpenEMR.

We have an in-house pharmacy and all medications being sold from there are listed in the OpenEMR inventory.
However, when trying to ‘Sale and Dispense’ a prescription, I just get a pop-up saying, “Internal error, no drug ID specified!”

Secondly, in Reports >> Inventory >> Transactions
there’s only purchases of drugs available.

So my question is, how do we sell drugs from OpenEMR?

Thanks in anticipation.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, June 12, 2013:


While adding the Drug to the Inventory through “Management” in left navigation, Drug should be added to “Templates” section in “Add New Drug” dialog.
Once the drug is added as specified, in the Patient prescription add the Drug name mentioned as ‘Name’ in the Inventory “Management” earlier.
The corresponding drugs added in the template section would be available in the “in-house” drop down.

Hope This Helps.


fnv4a wrote on Wednesday, June 19, 2013:


Thanks for the solution - it’s works perfectly.

On the same issue, is there a way to handle inventory in more than drugs alone? I mean, let’s say it’s a mini-hospital scenario where there’s in-patient too and there’s other stock like food, soap, etc…
How would one handle the inventory control for non-drug/non-prescription items?
Surely one would not have to ‘dispense’ spinach to the kitchen (on the lighter note).

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, June 19, 2013:


Yes it is possible to handle non-drug/non-prescription items in inventory, and it can also be dispensed in the same prescription screen.
And also openemr in general is intended only for ambulatory patients and not for in-patients.
