Prescription problem

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 19, 2010:

When I Click on Print Multiple PDF in the prescription link, it shows the prescription but without the facility address. Everything else is fine. How to include the facility address in the prescription print out??? please help

visolveemr wrote on Monday, July 19, 2010:


You need to customize the the function multiprint_header in the file openemr/controllers/C_Prescription.class.php.
A query to retrieve address of users’ default facility has to be written in that function.

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 19, 2010:

Thanks for the support…

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 19, 2010:

Can you help me set up the Batchcom for emailing the patients???
Thanks in advance…

Dr. Arnab Naha