cmswest wrote on Thursday, July 25, 2013:
Is it possible to have the dosage added to the prescription view on the main patient screen?
cmswest wrote on Thursday, July 25, 2013:
Is it possible to have the dosage added to the prescription view on the main patient screen?
fsgl wrote on Saturday, July 27, 2013:
In the Add/Edit dialog, if “Metformin 1 gm po bid” is entered into the Drug search bar, the entry will appear in the Prescription box of the Patient Summary screen. Is that what you were referring to?
If that is the case and doing so creates havoc with the paper script or with e-prescribing, the above can be done after the paper or electronic prescription has been generated.
bradymiller wrote on Sunday, July 28, 2013:
Can code this by altering template file:
It is created by calling the get_dosage_display() function here:
I’d recommend making another function get_dosage_display_summary_screen() (simply copy the get_dosage_display function and then modifying it). If you make these changes, please contribute them, since would likely make sense to place it in the official codebase.
On another note, doesn’t the “in” wording seem weird in the display lines.
arnabnaha wrote on Sunday, July 28, 2013:
Hi Brady…I have a query…
Previously, the prescription module gave us a method of sending the prescription to the pharmacy or to the patient via email following saving it. There appeared a new screen asking for sending it to pharmacy which was based on the selection in the practice settings in the administration, but now that screen doesnt appear…why was it removed? is there any new method of sending the prescription to pharmacy or email it to patient?
arnabnaha wrote on Sunday, July 28, 2013:
Brady…i did it…I found out where it was hidden…it was in C.prespription.class.php in controllers…Thnaks…
cmswest wrote on Monday, July 29, 2013:
thanks fsgl, I meant Qty. and Unit
thanks for the code reference Brady, I’ll play around with the wording
I’d like to contribute some code in the near future and my company has a php programmer that should be able to contribute some code soon