hitechelp wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:
We upgraded from Ubuntu 4.1.1(5) to 4.1.2(7) on Oct26 and all seemed well, until patients who had unapplied Pre-Payment deposits started coming in for their appointments and the deposits entered before the upgrade could not be found in Fees>Batch Payments>Search Payments. (Before upgrade these would show as unapplied amounts) The payments were still showing in the system under Reports>FrontRec and clicking the Timestamp would bring up a Receipt for Payment however, it lists the Pre-Payment as “Amount for Past Balance” and the accounting module shows no evidence the payments ever existed. Pre-payments entered after the upgrade was completed can be searched and found in Fees>Batch Payments>Search Payments but they don’t show up in the Reports>FrontRec. Can we get a Pre-Payment column in the Front Rec Report to help us keep track of them please? We are now enduring the pain of re-entering all the patient deposits and hoping that our accounting module will not brain fart.