Pre-Payments Disappeared after upgrade

hitechelp wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

We upgraded from Ubuntu 4.1.1(5) to 4.1.2(7) on Oct26 and all seemed well, until patients who had unapplied Pre-Payment deposits started coming in for their appointments and the deposits entered before the upgrade could not be found in Fees>Batch Payments>Search Payments. (Before upgrade these would show as unapplied amounts) The payments were still showing in the system under Reports>FrontRec and clicking the Timestamp would bring up a Receipt for Payment however, it lists the Pre-Payment as “Amount for Past Balance” and the accounting module shows no evidence the payments ever existed. Pre-payments entered after the upgrade was completed can be searched and found in Fees>Batch Payments>Search Payments but they don’t show up in the Reports>FrontRec. Can we get a Pre-Payment column in the Front Rec Report to help us keep track of them please? We are now enduring the pain of re-entering all the patient deposits and hoping that our accounting module will not brain fart.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 01, 2015:

Batch Payments works well for Medicare posting but is not as versatile as EOBs. A major deficiency is that Global Account does not function as a reservoir for unapplied payments, but rather as a black hole.

Payments from patients are best handled in the Fee Sheet or EOBs if separate receipts, for just the payments, are not required.

Posting, for the most part, is fairly efficient; but the user must understand the strengths & weaknesses of each module to minimize frustration.

Developers are knee deep in MU2 certification at present.