Pnotes dispaly

omo66 wrote on Thursday, May 14, 2009:

I upgraded to V recently.
After a patient note was completed and action was taking by nurse or doctor normally I choose **close** from drop menu to close that subject.
If I do that the note will get a stamp with user’s name and date/time and then also become INACTIVE and is no longer displayed with other active notes.

was this done on purpose ?
How could I change it to keep that note active and not showing as alert in red      Auth/notes     


cfapress wrote on Friday, May 15, 2009:

Hi Omar,

To stop the **close** from marking a note inactive you need to edit the file <oemr>/interface/patient_file/summary/pnotes_full.php. Look for a line like this:

    <option value=’’>** <?php xl(‘Close’,‘e’); ?> **</option>

Change the “value=’’” to be “value=‘none’”

That should fix part of the trouble you’re having. But isn’t the point of closing a note to indicate that it’s no longer active? Just a thought.


omo66 wrote on Saturday, May 16, 2009:

thanks Jason I will try this.
The note will keep recycling between users (with red Auth/notes)  until someone make it inactive by un-checking the checkbook or use **close**. The latter should not make the pnote disappear from summary display.
This is how I think the notes are working.

thanks a lot.

cfapress wrote on Tuesday, May 19, 2009:

Hi Omar,

The reason the note disappears from the summary list is because it is automatically marked ‘inactive’ when the Provider value is changed to “**closed**”. So, while my fix prevents this automatic behavior, it does not change the red Auth/Notes display you’re referring to. I’ll have to look at the code but I’m not able to make my patient notes turn red.
