Please I need help

aterad wrote on Thursday, January 14, 2016:

Compliment of the season to the house members.
Please i need help on how to go about editing the codes involved in the attached segment of openemr below.
the important things here, the location of the exact file for the two different segments as attached.
Thanks All

fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 14, 2016:

A quick way to locate source file is to right click on 2nd frame to open in another tab.

Path will be in URL bar.

aterad wrote on Friday, January 15, 2016:

thanks for your response. I have tried that before, but in this case it’s not applicable. You can also try it to see that its not applicable in this case.All I need is location of the files so that I can do the editing.
thanks In anticipation

bradymiller wrote on Friday, January 15, 2016:


In Firefix, right click on the frame of interest:
‘This Frame’->‘View Frame info’
And the Address will show where the file/script is.


aterad wrote on Friday, January 15, 2016:

Thanks brady, have gotten it. It worked. Thanks also to fsgl, you are always willing to help. Thanks brady again