I hope someone can help me out, i have been working on a Hiv / Aids form for the last two days but i have
run into a couple of snags. If you would like to have a look please let me know and how do i upload it to.
unless through email.
if you would like to have a look i will email you the form.
1. howto insert a date picker in form.php in a few places, if you load the form you will see where i put the date.
2. I have split the database in 3 (hiv_aids , hiv_aids_sub and hiv_aids_sub1) seems to load fine but need help in the save.php for it to work.
3.Howto insert the headers for each category eg:CLINICAL HISTORY , Is the patient currently being treated for tuberculosis. with the corresponding answeres under them after i have saved the form so that they show in the encounter and reports.
thank you,
Also, the next version (3.2) to be released in February (a demo is in the wiki) has a very cool form creation feature described here : http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/LBV_Forms