Please help, how to remove or reverse the IC

advancedmedical wrote on Tuesday, March 22, 2011:

does any one knows how to reverse or remove the IN COLLECTION, in the collection report. After we generate the collection report for a month, there are check boxes. we selected all, then we tested the export the selected for collection. every of those selected turned into IC or IN COLLECTION red letters. Now we wanted to reverse or only wanted to send out for collection of some of them. How can we reverse the whole list in collection or can it be reverse at all.
sincerely appreciated your help.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, March 23, 2011:


Manually updating the OpenEMR database table is one solution. Though it is not advisable, its a quick around. You can use phpmyadmin from Administration - Other - Database also.

When the ‘Collections are Exported’, the genericval2 field of patient_data table is updated with “IN COLLECTIONS <date>”

So as a workaround, you can clear the value of patient_data -> genericval2 column (for that particular patient.) and verify the collections report too.

Hope this helps

ViCarePlus Team