Planning to release OpenEMR 4.2.0 soon

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, December 21, 2014:


OpenEMR 4.2.0 is going to be released before 1/1/15 and it will have 2014 EHR Modular Certification(note OpenEMR will NOT have full 2014 certification by this time). We had to go to 4.2 so it doesn’t interfere with 4.1 which is 2011 Certified.

This will be a very rushed release; so far the branches are set up and will build packages sometime over the next week. Would be great if could get help on the following wiki sections/pages:

(As an aside, note there is also a 4.1.3 branch in the git repository; this is basically same as 4.2.0 but with MU wordage to make it compliant with 2011 certification but not 2014 in case this would be needed in the future)


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, December 21, 2014:


Here’s a online demo to test the new version (new build every day):

Also note packages are built daily which can be tested:
(note these are just test packages and are not yet the official release)

Let us know if any issues on testing,

mdsupport wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

Is this version needed for 2014 MU attestation?

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

Too late to use 4.2.0 for 2014 MU2.

Big question mark about using it for 2015 MU2 if not certified by year’s end because 2015 reporting period is all 4 quarters.

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

Not familiar with all of the new features, first task not attempted.

Second is essentially all done. Will tweak later, after some working experience.

Third & fourth done, see below for details.

mdsupport wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

Guess some light reading of the 25 pages final rule is called for over the holidays.

fsgl wrote on Monday, December 22, 2014:

OpenEMR users have no choice but to use 2011 CEHRT for 2014.

No indications that there will be a month extension for registration & attestation that occurred for 2013. Safer to assume that the 2014 deadline will be February 28, 2015.

Unless CMS adopts even more flexibility, 4.2.0 cannot be used for MU2 attestation if certification is delayed to 2015.

fsgl wrote on Friday, December 26, 2014:

To avoid confusing users, Downloads page was not edited.

Following created subpages can be easily inserted after release.

  1. OpenEMR 4.2.0 XAMPP Package Installation.
  2. OpenEMR 4.2.0 Windows Installation.
  3. Windows Upgrade 4.1.2 to 4.2.0.
  4. OpenEMR 4.2.0 Linux Installation.
  5. Linux Upgrade 4.1.2 to 4.2.0.
  6. OpenEMR 4.2.0 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation.
  7. Ubuntu Package Upgrade to 4.2.0.

Text in green = placeholders.

75% done. Time for a pizza with the works.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:

Awesome work! Pizza well deserved :slight_smile:

All the packages have been built/tested (still some work to do for testing the xampp package). I am holding on the release until confirm it has MU2 Modular Certification from Tony(as of Christmas Eve there were a couple snags); when I release them, I’ll do the downloads page and link it to the new wiki pages(I’ll also fill in the placeholders).


fsgl wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:

Very pleased to be of some assistance.

Sounds like MU2 has been one tough slog.

Will take a crack at first task today.

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:


fsgl wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:

When the Downloads page is updated, it will probably be time to retire Peppy & “A Special Appeal”. Solicitations which run too long tend to be ineffective.

I’m in the process of collecting names of philanthropies (a benefit derived from watching PBS) who are likely to help the Project fund work on MU3.

Once it is finalized, I will try to get an early start on grant proposals & coordinate the effort closely with Tony. None of us would want to see another round of delays.

If fund raising becomes necessary again, another appeal message & mascot can be whipped up quickly.

blankev wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:

Agreed! A good finish of 2014 with the 4.2.0 version another good start for 2015… may many good intentions follow.

jackfruit501 wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:

Tested 4.2 Demo today. Could not import ICD10 to be coded. I also downloaded it using backup and recreated it on my stahdalone computer for testing. I also imported the backup (emr_backup.tar) openemr.sql from 4.1.2 patch 7 to 4.2. I had the same problem of not being able to update/save changes in the demographics especially changing the primary insurance.

fsgl wrote on Saturday, December 27, 2014:

Hi Jack,

4.2.0 has just been released.

Upgrade your various copies & try the ICD-10 import again.

It should not be necessary to import the openemr.sql file.

If no resolution, start another thread & we’ll try to help.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, December 28, 2014:


Release will likely be happening late tonight. Placed a rough draft of release statement. Feel free to modify it:


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, December 28, 2014:

4.2.0 released. see here:

MU2 development is still in full force and still need more funds for development cost (CQM will be expensive…). Contributions still continue to trickle in, and will keep the aggressive donations request for now since the new release will bring in some traffic to the project.

(and thanks for all the work on the release wiki pages, which made the release documentation smooth sailing)


fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 28, 2014:

O.K., we’ll have Peppy continue with cap (swipe machine) in hand.

Definitely need to get a big fat grant next time!

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, January 07, 2015:

If you’re running 4.1.3-dev can you bring over these files and then go into the database to change the version number to 4.2.0 to get around having to create an upgrade sql script?

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, January 07, 2015:

Hi Stephen,

I know that your question is directed at Brady, but can’t you just “pretend” to be upgrading from 4.1.2?

Perhaps my question is too simplistic.